Ramadan Mubarak # Eid Mubarak 2020 #Knowledge about Ramadan Festival


Ramadan Mubarak # Eid Mubarak 2020 #Knowledge about Ramadan Festival with tags ramadan, fasting, muslims, islam, eid, faith, eid for kids, ramadan for kids, eid gifts for children, ramadan facts, ramadan activities for kids, facts about ramadan for kids, teaching your kids about ramadan, eid facts for kids, eid story for kids, eid celebration for kids, eid video for children, youtube for kids, kids videos, ramadan kareem, ramadan story for kids, how do kids celebrate ramadan, ramadan moon, why do people fast during ramadan

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Ramadan is celebrated by the people of the Islamic faith. It is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. This is the month of fasting and prayers; people observing fast during Ramadan, do not eat or drink anything between sunrise and sunset and do as many good deeds as possible. Interestingly, fasting is considered as one of the five pillars of Islam.

Ramadan is an excellent time to start good habits and to practice these consciously.

Would you like to know the good habits that the kids practice during Ramadan?

Well, they read their Holy Book, The Quran. It is believed that the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, in the holy month of Ramadan. It is the book of guidance for all mankind. Helping others is another good deed to do during Ramadan.

Kids also practice discipline and do not get angry, or use any bad or negative words, and practice being polite and respectful to others.

So, the month of Ramadan is all about spreading goodness all around. But do they feel hungry or tempted to eat?

As it goes, Ramadan is all about discipline. It is surely difficult to stay without food for long hours, and wake up before dawn, but gradually, people get used to the routine.

Would you like to know the routine they follow?

They wake up before sunrise, and have their first meal called Suhoor, before dawn. The time for Suhoor ends when the sun rises or the morning prayer begins. At the end of the day, when the sun sets, the Maghrib prayer starts, and the day’s fast is broken with Iftar.

Eating dates is a popular way to break the fast.

I know, you would be thinking what’s so special about dates?

Well, dates have many health benefits. They contain natural sugars, are high in fiber, excellent for digestion, high in vitamins and nutrients.

I am sure that sounds like a small bundle of energy to you. So, make sure; you eat dates daily.

Ramadan is also considered an auspicious month for generosity. We donate clothes and food to the needy.

Not everyone fasts during Ramadan, the kids, elderly people, pregnant women, and sick people are exempted from fasting.

Truly, Ramadan is one month of great deeds and learning, but when does it end?

Eid al-Fitr, commonly known as Eid marks the end of the Holy month of Ramadan. Eid begins when the beautiful crescent moon appears in the sky. All the relatives and friends get together, to thank god for giving strength all through the month of fasting. Eid is a festival of gratitude, prayers, and happiness.

Also, people get together for a grand feast. And children get their Eidi, reward money from elders. Kids use it to buy the things they like.

So, join your friends for the Eid feast and meet their family, friends, and relatives.

Remember the good deeds of Ramadan, let’s start from today.

Ramadan Mubarak to all.

Hey friends, I am sure you too have decided to do good deeds in the holy month of Ramadan. Do write to us about a good deed that you have done during the holy month of Ramadan.

Watch out for our Ramadan Surprise at www.makemegenius.com. It is full of great activities, quotes, amazing facts, and much more, designed just for you.

We will be back soon with yet another interesting video, till then stay subscribed to our YouTube channel, and press the bell icon so that you don’t miss our new videos and articles. And now, hop on, for the Ramadan Surprise at www.makemegenius.com