The Story of Santa Claus for Kids #SANTA #CHRISTMAS


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The Story of Santa Claus

Hey, kids, Santa Claus is coming to your town this Christmas season.

So, let me tell you the story of Santa Claus

Long-time ago there lived a saint named Saint Nicholas. He was a big man with a kind heart. Saint Nicholas is believed to be born in 280 AD in Myra, close to the present-day country named Turkey.

Saint Nicholas gave away his wealth to help the poor and needy.

One of the famous stories about Saint Nicholas says, he once saved three sisters from being sold for slavery by secretly dropping three bags of gold coins in their home through the Chimney. And lo, the bag landed in the socks kept for drying, close to the chimney.

That’s how the tradition of putting Christmas gifts in the socks hanging on Christmas trees started.

Saint Nicholas loved to surprise people by giving them gifts. Every Christmas, he would secretly drop gifts in the homes of kids who were well-mannered and helped others.

Saint Nicholas was also the savior of sailors, who would pray to him every time they sailed across the ocean.

Once a group of sailors sailed in a ship across the ocean, when they were caught in a wild storm. The sailors were scared of the giant waves that rose off the ocean, and they started praying to Saint Nicholas.

Soon after, the storm calmed down and the sailors safely reached their destination.

When Saint Nicholas died, people continued with the tradition of giving gifts during Christmas. Slowly and steadily the stories of his acts of generosity and the tradition of giving gifts during Christmas spread across the globe, and that’s how we got our modern-day Santa Claus.

Many believe that Santa Claus lives in the North Pole and rides on a sleigh pulled by reindeers, to keep gifts in the socks of Christmas trees for all the children who behave well and help others.

By the way, do you know the name of Santa Claus’s favorite reindeer, with a red shiny nose….Yes Rudolph

And the song….common sing with me, “Rudolph the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose”.

So, kids wait for your special gift from Santa and till then keep the cheer of Christmas alive by helping others, just like Santa does.


Just like Santa, we too have brought a bunch of surprises for you. Check out for an exciting range of Santa Worksheets and Cool Facts on Santa and Christmas on

Also, we have a special quiz on Christmas and Santa and Christmas photo-frames on your favorite website – www.

Go to the website now and test your knowledge. If you win, Santa may send you a surprise!!

Don’t miss our upcoming series on New Year Celebrations next month.