Adam vs. MKBHD

Adam vs. MKBHD with tags adam bobrow, table tennis, ping pong, funny table tennis, funny ping pong, table tennis highlights, table tennis around world, table tennis tricks, ping pong tricks, tenis de mesa, ping pang, bordtennis, tennisdetable, 탁구, 卓球, 桌球, tenismeja, tischtennis, 乒乓球, 芸人, ぴんぽん, ピンポン, challenge match, adam vs. mkbhd, i challenged mkbhd, tt, tt game, marques brownlee, adam vs. marques brownlee, adam in usa, new york table tennis, mkbhd plays ping pong, table tennis technology, iphone 15
It's pretty cool when someone you've been watching for YEARS accepts your invitation to play.
Subscribe to @mkbhd
Thanks to my Marques and the MKBHD crew. Also thanks to @PingPod include Tim, Jean, Ilya and the gang for your help to make this happen.
Here's how you can follow me on social media:
I play for andro and my equipment is:
Rubber- RASANTER R45 (both sides)
Blade - Treiber K
#tabletennis #pingpong #AdamBobrow
Keywords: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, Challenge, tt game, tt game, PingPod, YouTuber, New York, New York City, technology, tech reviews, thriller, Marques Brownlee, iPhone, andriod, cell phone, computer, ultimate frisbee, frisbee, disc, battle, iPhone 15, apple, samsung, oppo, sony, macbook, ipad, replay, hit the button