Beat 20 Australians to Win ___


Beat 20 Australians to Win ___ with tags adam bobrow, table tennis, ping pong, table tennis highlights, tenis de mesa, ping pang, bordtennis, tennisdetable, 탁구, 卓球, 桌球, tenismeja, tischtennis, 乒乓球, 芸人, ぴんぽん, ピンポン, challenge matches, playing table tennis whole day, full day ping pong, my subscribers came to challenge me, adam vs. subscribers, i challenged my subscribers, i challenged the internet, brisbane table tennis, ping pong australia, challenge me australia, australia table tennis, tt australia, 20 wins chicken dinner

Australia is beautiful and the people were the best part. This challenge was a blast!

This video was filmed at Brisbane Table Tennis Club:

86 Green Terrace, Windsor QLD 4030, Australia

Thanks for Dan from BTTA, Stephen, Francis and the first aid crew and everyone who made this possible.

Here's how you can follow me on social media:

#tabletennis #pingpong #adambobrow

Keyword: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, Australia, Brisbane, Oceania, challenge, levels, level 1-10, professional table tennis player, TT coach, table tennis coach, battle, dinner challenge, down under, Ping Pond Posse, USC