Table Tennis Masterclass (1 million subscribers special)


Table Tennis Masterclass (1 million subscribers special) with tags adam bobrow, table tennis, ping pong, funny table tennis, funny ping pong, table tennis highlights, table tennis around world, table tennis tricks, ping pong tricks, tenis de mesa, ping pang, bordtennis, tennisdetable, 탁구, 卓球, 桌球, tenismeja, tischtennis, 乒乓球, 芸人, ぴんぽん, ピンポン, challenge match, adam in new york, adam at pingpod, ariel hsing, us national champion teaching ping pong, table tennis masterclass, table tennis tutorial, tt tutorial, olympian teaching table tennis, adam in usa

Olympian and youngest ever US National Champion, Ariel Hsing, shows some of the drills that helped her become a 3-time US National Champion and an Olympian.

Congratulations, @_dewale for winning this video's $100 Amazon gift card giveaway. To win a $100 Amazon gift card, just leave an unedited comment with your valid instagram handle “at IGusername” on my next video.... the earlier the better.

This video was filmed at @PingPod Manhattan (W. 37th St.) in New York

You can follow Ariel on Instragram:

Thanks to Tim, Rose and Zack for your help on this video!

Here's how you can follow me on social media:

I play for andro and my equipment is:

Rubber- RASANTER R45 (both sides)

Blade - Treiber K

#tabletennis​​ #pingpong​​ #AdamBobrow

Keywords: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, Ariel Hsing, Olympian, training, drills, exercise, practice, tt tutorial, Olympian teaching table tennis, Ariel Hsing teaching table tennis