YouTuber vs. 10 Pros

YouTuber vs. 10 Pros with tags adam bobrow, table tennis, ping pong, table tennis highlights, tenis de mesa, ping pang, bordtennis, tennisdetable, 탁구, 卓球, 桌球, tenismeja, tischtennis, 乒乓球, 芸人, ぴんぽん, ピンポン, challenge matches, table tennis indonesia, bali table tennis, indonesia ping pong, i challenged indonesia, tt game, street pong, usa vs. indonesia, bali pro (level 1 to 10), adam vs. bali's best, youtube vs. 10 pros, adam vs. bali's top 10, 1 man vs.10 pros (bali), adam vs. bali team
After beating the top player at a club in Bali, I got invited to play the PRO team!
Congratulations, @mizo_table_tennis for winning this video's $100 Amazon gift card giveaway. This will be the last giveaway until otherwise notified as there have been many scams and I would like to reduce the risk for the community. Thanks for being here.
Here's how you can follow me on social media:
Thanks to @androtabletennisgermany for sponsoring this trip.
I play for andro and my equipment is:
Rubber- RASANTER R45 (both sides)
Blade - Treiber K
#tabletennis #pingpong #AdamBobrow #indonesia
Keywords: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, Indonesia, Bali, challenge match, competition, tournament, pro challenge, YouTube vs. Pros, USA vs. Indonesia, trick shots, YouTuber vs. Professional, Professional Table Tennis, Professional Ping Pong