Adam and Eva ... BATTLE!

Adam and Eva ... BATTLE! with tags table tennis, ping pong, adam bobrow, professional table tennis player, battle, match, competition, snake, around the net, highlights, champion, female athlete, woman athlete, dr, dominican republic, latina, carribean, pingpod, usa, america, national champion, pro ping pong, spanish, one in a million, one in a billion, world record, guiness world record, challenge, challenge match, eva brito, d.r., adam and eve, adam y eva, adam and eva, vs., versus
Eva Brito is the 5 x Dominican Champion. This match is INTENSE!
Played at @PingPod in Fort Lee, NJ, USA (find a PingPod near you)
Eva's IG:
Thanks to Yasi, Eric, Tim, Rose and Zack for your help on this.
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#tabletennis #pingpong #adambobrow