Adam vs. India's Best Ever

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A warrior in a head band, a role model, a legend and a friend,... Sharath Kamal Achanta.
I have been looking forward to this match for a long time!
Follow Sharath on IG:
Thanks, @UltimateTableTennis for all of the help!
Thanks, Raagini. I still have my breath.
Here's how you can follow me on social media:
I play for andro and my equipment is:
Rubber- RASANTER R45 (both sides)
Blade - Treiber K
#tabletennis #pingpong #AdamBobrow
Keywords: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, Challenge, tt game, tt game, India, Sharath Kamal Achanta, YouTuber, Pune, UTT, Ultimate Table Tennis, Indian League, Indian Premier League, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, headband, warrior, goat, shoelace, Poster boy, Commonwealth Games, National Champion