Six on the Bed Song Counting Song for Children Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Six on the Bed Song Counting Song for Children Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Six on the Bed, by The Learning Station (Also, known a Learning Station) is sung by Don Monopoli. It is from the award-winning CD, Here We Go Loopty Loo. Here We Go Loopty Loo CD Download: We Go Loopty Loo CD: "Six on the Bed" is a great brain break, action song for children. It makes it easy and fun to take a quick energy brain break in the classroom. When children take a moment to sing, dance, move, and even laugh then they can return to their academics feeling happy, energized and renewed. More and more schools are realizing the significant values of brain breaks in the classroom. This counting song for kids, brain breaks action and dance song is perfect for the preschool, kindergarten and elementary children. Lyrics are included for ESL and EFL childrens programs. To learn more visit: on the Bed From the CD, Here We Go Loopty Loo by The Learning Station (Also, known a Learning Station)Monopoli/The Learning StationThere were six in a bedAnd the little one saidRoll over, roll overSo they all rolled overAnd one fell outThere were five in a bedAnd the little one saidRoll over, roll overSo they all rolled overAnd one fell outThere were four in a bedAnd the little one saidRoll over, roll overSo they all rolled overAnd one fell outThere were three in a bedAnd the little one saidRoll over, roll overSo they all rolled overAnd one fell outThere were two in a bedAnd the little one saidRoll over, roll overSo they all rolled overAnd one fell outThere was one in a bedAnd the little one saidGood night!Subscribe to The Learning Station for learning fun galore, brain breaks and much more:" us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore: The Learning Station: our store! CD's, CD Downloads, DVD's, Tee shirts & more: STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook:* FREE STUFF *Sign-up for our FREE newsletter: printable activities: #countingsong #countingsongforkids #preschoolers #lyrics #elementary #brainbreaks #KidsSongs #TeachingSongsForKids #SongsByTheLearningStation