Country Christmas 🎄 Christmas Songs for Children 🎄Christmas Songs by The Learning Station

Country Christmas 🎄 Christmas Songs for Children 🎄Christmas Songs by The Learning Station with tags kids christmas songs, christmas songs for kids
Celebrate Christmas with Country Christmas, a Christmas songs for kids.
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Country Christmas
by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Country Christmas full of love plus
We’re on the farm with so much charm
We’ll see horses, chickens and pigs
Lots of cows and some are real big Wow!
Country Christmas full of love plus
We’re on the farm with so much charm
We’ll take a hayride up to the hillside
We’ll make up songs and sing along like this
Who let the dogs out? What’s that about?
Where are the cats? Where are they at?
We’ll drink warm cider and eat some sliders
We’ll gaze at the stars and play guitar
Country Christmas full of love plus
We’re on the farm with so much charm
We’ll see horses, chickens and pigs
Lots of cows and some are real big Wow!
Country Christmas full of love plus
We’re on the farm with so much charm
We’ll take a hayride up to the hillside
We’ll make up songs and sing along like this
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