Elf in My Pocket Song Christmas Songs for Kids Elf Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Elf in My Pocket Song Christmas Songs for Kids Elf Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags elf, elf on the shelf, elf in my pocket, the learning station, the learning station christmas songs, the learning station songs, christmas songs, christmas songs for kids, christmas elf song, christmas elf on the shelf, christmas elf videos, christmas songs by the learning station, kids christmas songs, childrens christmas songs, christmas carols for kids, christmas songs for kids with dance, childrens christmas songs with lyrics, christmas

Elf in My Pocket is available for single song download: https://www.learningstationmusic.com/product/elf-in-my-pocket/ This song is by The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station) and sung by Don Monopoli.Elf in My Pocket is one of the most popular Christmas action and dance songs! It coordinates with the popular, The Elf on a Shelf. It is sung as a Christmas carol by carolers throughout the world. Elf in My Pocket is a very simple Christmas carol that kids can sing. It is ideal for preschoolers, kindergarten, elementary and all age children. Your children will love our elf Christmas song!Elf in My Pocket By The Learning Station and sung by Don Monopoli (Also, known as Learning Station) Monopoli/The Learning StationLyrics:Elf in My Pocket Ive got an elf in my pocketand I asked him what to do. He said turn around onceraise an arm and woo hoo!So I turned around onceraised my arm and woo hooed. Woo hoo!Thats exactly what the elf in my pocket said to do.I keep my hand in my pocketand hope the elf wont want to leave.Ill keep him warm and happy but hell be gone by Christmas Eve.Woo hoo, woo hoo.Ive got two elves in my pocketand I asked them what to do.They said turn around twiceraise your arms and woo hoo.So I turned around twiceraised my arms and woo hooed. Woo hoo!Thats exactly what the elvesin my pocket said to do.I keep my hand in my pocketand hope the elves wont want to leave.Ill keep them warm and happy but theyll be gone by Christmas Eve.Woo hoo, woo hoo.Ive got three elves in my pocketand I asked them what to do.They said turn around three timesraise your arms and woo hoo.So I turned around three timesraised my arms and woo hooed. Woo hoo!Thats exactly what the elvesin my pocket said to do.I keep my hand in my pocketand hope the elves wont want to leave.Ill keep them warm and happy but theyll be gone by Christmas Eve.I keep my hand in my pocketand hope the elves wont want to leave.Ill keep them warm and happy but theyll be gone by Christmas Eve.Woo hoo, woo hoo.Woo hoo, woo hoo.Woo hoo! Like us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore!: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusicVisit The Learning Station: http://learningstationmusic.com/index.htmlVisit our store! CDs, CD Downloads, DVDs, Tee shirts & more: http://store.learningstationmusic.com/shoponline.aspx STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusicTwitter: https://twitter.com/LearningStationPinterest: http://pinterest.com/kidssong/Blog: http://www.learningstationmusic.com/blog/Google+: http://goo.gl/lRNB7f FREE STUFF Sign-up for our FREE newsletter: http://learningstationmusic.com/newsletter.htmlFREE printable activities: http://learningstationmusic.com/printablehandouts.html Elf in My Pocket Christmas songs for kids illustrations and animation by Corbett Vanoni: https://www.instagram.com/corbettvanoniart/#Elf #ElfInMyPocket #ChrismasElf ElfOnAShelf #Christmas #ChristmasSongsForKids #KidsSongs #ChristmasCarols #TheLearning Station #LearningStation #xmassongshttp://www.youtube.com/user/thelearningstation