Ready, Set, Go Song ♫ Races ♫ On Your Mark, Get Set ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Ready, Set, Go Song ♫ Races ♫ On Your Mark, Get Set ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags ready set go, footraces, countdowntostart, races and fun, ready to go, 321 go, 123 go, 123 song, ready set go song, thelearningstation, 123 songs for kids, 123 songs for toddlers, 123 go school, 321 go song, ready to go song
Ready, Set, Go Song teaches kids how to start a race. Like 1,2,3 or 3,2,1!
The Learning Station on TikTok here:
#Ready, Set, Go #Shorts
by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Ready set go
That starts a race so don’t be slow
Ready set go
It’s the beginning, now you know
Ready set go like 1,2,3 or 3,2,1
Ready set go
On your mark get set have fun
Ready set go
That starts a race so don’t be slow
Ready set go
It’s the beginning, now you know
Ready set go
That starts a race so don’t be slow
Ready set go
It’s the beginning, now you know
Ready set go like 1,2,3 or 3,2,1
Ready set go
On your mark get set have fun
Ready set go
That starts a race so don’t be slow
Ready set go
It’s the beginning, now you know
#thelearningstation #childrensongs #readysetgo #1,2,3 #3,2,1 #onyourmarkgetsetgo #onyourmark #toddlersongs #toddlers #learningstationsongs #songsforpreschoolers #learningstation #kidsongs #learningstationsongsforpreschoolers