I Tried Baking Snoop Dogg's Chocolate Cake Recipe!

I Tried Baking Snoop Dogg's Chocolate Cake Recipe! with tags baking, bake, cooking, chef, pastry, delicious, chocolate, chocolate cake, comfort food, at home, baker, snoop dogg, snoop, cook book, cookbook, test, trying, attempt, perfect, easy, step by step, guide, tutorial, how to, easy recipe, fyp, martha stewart, kitchen, rosanna pansino, birthday, birthday cake, party, idea, moist, simple, foolproof, quick, does it work, i tried, affordable, cheap, edible, taste, eat, eating, professional, women, cute, happy, tips, fun, gifts, practical, funny, food hacks, food tricks, pan
This cake was so much fun to make! What other recipes or videos should I make???
TikTok: RosannaPansino
I had so much fun #Trying this Snoop Dogg Chocolate #Cake #Recipe! It's from his new (and first!) cookbook! Him and Martha Stewart have become great friends, and even have a TV show together. This particular cake is a birthday cake with LOTS of sprinkles!
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