Making A Paint Drip Cake w/ James Charles!

Making A Paint Drip Cake w/ James Charles! with tags baking, cooking, james charles, james, charles, makeup, beauty, paint, artist, pallet, palat, palette, review, icing, drip, drip cake, glaze, cake glaze, glazed cake, tutorial, step by step, lifestyle, fun, perfect, painting, paintbrush, rosanna pansino, collab, guest, from scratch, delicious, tasty, pastry, chef, mua, james charles youtube, wow, amazing, recipe, kitchen, satisfying, slime, dripping, easy, ginache, chocolate, white chocolate, bakery, tips, tricks, party, birthday, idea, themed
Today I made a drip cake for the first time on my channel with James Charles!SUBSCRIBE MY BAKING LINE:" Round Cake Pans:*Order The Nerdy Nummies Cookbook here: Charles Making A Cake: Chocolate Glaze* (1) cup white chocolate chips* (1/3) cup heavy cream* (1) teaspoon light corn syrup* (2) teaspoons white food coloring1. Melt together the white chocolate chips, heavy cream, and corn syrup, stirring occasionally until smooth.2. Stir in the coloring until well combined.3. Use the glaze while still warm, but not hot.FOLLOW ME HERE:Facebook: rosannapansinoJAMES LINKS:YouTube: had so much fun #Baking this #Art inspired #Cake! It was the very first time on my channel that I made a drip cake! We first made the cake from scratch and then used a smooth glaze for the drip effect. It looked like paint dripping down the cake! This cake was inspired by the drip cake from my new cookbook, 'Baking All Year Round'.What other videos would you like to see? Subscribe for more videos!This is not a sponsored video. All products purchased by me.