I Tried Baking a WEDDING CAKE in an Easy Bake Oven!

I Tried Baking a WEDDING CAKE in an Easy Bake Oven! with tags easy bake, easybake, easy bake oven, wedding, wedding cake, wedding idea, from scratch, try, test, trying, attempt, huge, tiny, tiny cake, tiny baking, bake, baker, chef, pastry, at home, chocolate, red velvet, strawberry, layer, layers, 100 layers, eat, eating, rosanna pansino wedding, marriage, married, icing, satisfying, how to, how to bake, how to cook, icing art, decorate, roses, rustic
I tried baking a FULL SIZE Wedding Cake using only an Easy Bake Oven!
Lets Be Friends:
TikTok: rosannapansino
I hope you enjoy today's #Baking video using only an Easy Bake Oven! I have never tried something like this before and am completely shocked how it turned out! We used lots of baking techniques and spent a lot of time to make it as good as we can! This was really a difficult #Recipe #Challenge!
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