How do animals regrow their limbs? And why can't humans do it? - Jessica Whited


How do animals regrow their limbs? And why can't humans do it? - Jessica Whited with tags salamander, axolotl, limb regeneration, limb regrowth, limb, tissue, heart tissue, brain tissue, limb buds, progenitor cells, stem cells, dedifferentiation, wound epidermis, stump, limb stump, axolotl healing, axolotl stem cells, nervous system, blastema, cells, cell growth, cell regrowth, cell repair, scar, biology, science, education, animation, jessica whited, anton bogaty, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Explore the incredible regenerative capacity of salamanders, and see how they’re able to regrow limbs, hearts, and even brain tissue.


For some animals, losing a limb is a decidedly permanent affair. But for salamanders, particularly axolotls, amputation is just a temporary affliction. Not only can they grow back entire limbs in as little as six weeks, they can also regenerate heart and even brain tissue. So, how does this astonishing adaptation work? Jessica Whited explores the incredible regenerative capacity of salamanders.

Lesson by Jessica Whited, directed by Anton Bogaty.

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