The surprising reason our muscles get tired - Christian Moro

The surprising reason our muscles get tired - Christian Moro with tags ted-ed, ted, ted ed, teded, ted education, animation, christian moro, nichola latzgo, exercise, muscles, human body, muscle fatigue, tired after exercise, sore after exercise, tired muscles, muscle soreness, muscle tiredness, why do muscles fatigue, fatigue treatment, muscle weakness, atp, energy, health, human physiology, science of exercise
Why do our muscles get tired and sore after exercise? Explore how our muscles function, and how you can exercise longer without experiencing muscle fatigue.--You're lifting weights. The first time feels easy, but each lift takes more and more effort until you cant continue. Inside your arms, the muscles responsible for the lifting have become unable to contract. Whats going on? Christian Moro explains how exactly our muscles operate, and what causes them to become fatigued.Lesson by Christian Moro, directed by Nichola Latzgo.Sign up for our newsletter: us on Patreon: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: full lesson: you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Felipe Hoff, Kyanta Yap, Lewis Westbury, Ojas Kapoor, Mirzat Turap, Jaime Arriola, Emilia Alvarado, Javid Gozalov, Paul Beard, Deepak Iyer, Markus Goldhacker, Mihai Sandu, Keven Webb, Maurice Castonguay, Kristiyan Bonev, Maryam Dadkhah, Joshua Wasniewski, Micha Friedrich, Arlene Spiegelman, Doug Henry, denison martins fernandes, Hashem Al, Daniel Nester, Richard A Berkley, Benjamin Chan, Dee Wei, Abdallah Absi, Denise A Pitts, Pi Guanghui, Doris , Kurt Almendras, Raymond Lee, Nicolas Silva, Tsz Hin Edmund Chan, Melvin Williams, Tirath Singh Pandher, Athena Grace Franco, Terry Minion, Mauricio Basso, Kelvin Lam, jj5252, Karlee Finch, Chumi Ogbonna, Barthlmy Michalon, Lefty McGoo, Lucas Pincerato, Mohamed Elsayed, Amin Shahril, Mihail Radu Pantilimon and Chris Thompson.