Can you outsmart the fallacy that fooled a generation of doctors? - Elizabeth Cox

Can you outsmart the fallacy that fooled a generation of doctors? - Elizabeth Cox with tags false cause fallacy, false cause, fallacy, common fallacies, correlation, causation, correlation vs causation, skepticism, media literacy, childbed fever, inflammation, thought fallacies, thought exercise, critical thinking, fallacy demon, louis pasteur, education, animation, elizabeth cox, together, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Dig into the false cause fallacy, which assumes that one event causes another, and learn how to distinguish between correlation and causation.
It’s 1843, and a debate is raging about one of the most common killers of women: childbed fever— no one knows what causes it. One physician has observed patients with inflammation go on to develop childbed fever, and therefore believes the inflammation causes the fever. What's the problem with this argument? Elizabeth Cox explores the false cause fallacy and how to dissect claims with skepticism.
Lesson by Elizabeth Cox, directed by TOGETHER.
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