Why do we harvest horseshoe crab blood? - Elizabeth Cox

Why do we harvest horseshoe crab blood? - Elizabeth Cox with tags ted, ted-ed, ted education, ted ed, elizabeth cox, anton bogaty, horseshoe crabs, amebocytes, bacteria, lal, lal test, spawn, blood, beach, ocean, bacterial endotoxin, open circulatory system, e. coli, bloodstream, contamination, gram stain, injection, dinosaurs
Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/tededView full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-do-we-harvest-horseshoe-crab-blood-elizabeth-coxDuring the warmer months, especially at night during the full moon, horseshoe crabs emerge from the sea to spawn. Waiting for them are teams of lab workers, who capture the horseshoe crabs by the hundreds of thousands, take them to labs, harvest their cerulean blood, then return them to the sea. Why? Elizabeth Cox illuminates the incredible properties of horseshoe crab blood. Lesson by Elizabeth Cox, directed by Anton Bogaty.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible. SookKwan Loong, Daniel Day, Humberto A OjedaGomez, Nick Johnson, Bruno Pinho, Javier Aldavaz, Rodrigo Carballo, Marc Veale, Boytsov Ilya, Bozhidar Karaargirov, Toh Jia Cheng Darren, Ilya Bondarik, Maxi Kobi Einy, Runarm, Misaki Sato, Peter Koebel, Levi Cook, Alex Kongkeo, Craig Sheldon, Andrew Bosco.