Winter Animals | What Do You See? Song | Learn English Kids

Winter Animals | What Do You See? Song | Learn English Kids with tags wild animals, winter animals, kids songs, kids music, learn english children, what do you see? song, matt, dreamenglishkids, dreamenglish, animal sounds, aprenda inglés para niños, apprendre l'anglais pour les enfants, 子供のための英語を学ぶ, kids show, kids tv, clay animation, puppets
Join Matt, Tunes, and Bell and learn winter animal names. Learn how to say penguin, snow owl, arctic wolf and polar bear in English. Watch real wild animals and hear animal sounds! What is your favorite winter animal? Challenge as the song gets faster!Original song by Matt. Video by Dream English Kids.Visit to download over 100 Kids songs for free! Dream English Kids is on Spotify!