Why is it so hard to cure ALS? - Fernando G. Vieira


Why is it so hard to cure ALS? - Fernando G. Vieira with tags ted, ted-ed, teded, ted education, ted ed, fernando g. vieira, artrake studio, als, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, motor neuron disease, lou gehrig’s disease, stephen hawking, cell, gene, medicine, cure, motor neuron

Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/tededView full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-is-it-so-hard-to-cure-als-fernando-vieiraAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also called motor neuron disease and Lou Gehrigs Disease, affects about two out of every 100,000 people worldwide. When a person has ALS, their motor neurons - the cells responsible for all voluntary muscle control in the body - lose function and die. Fernando G. Vieira shares what we know (and don't know) about ALS.Lesson by Fernando G. Vieira, animation by Artrake Studio.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Jordan Tang, Christopher Jimenez, Juan, Tracey Tobkin, Sid, emily lam, Kathryn J Hammond, Elliot Poulin, Noel Situ, Oyuntsengel Tseyen-Oidov, Latora Slydell, Sydney Evans, Victor E Karhel, Bernardo Paulo, Eysteinn Gunason, Andrea Feliz, Natalia Rico, Josh Engel, Brbara Nazar, Gustavo Mendoza, Zhexi Shan, Hugo Legorreta, PnDAA, Sandra Tersluisen, Ellen Spertus, Fabian Amels, sammie goh, Mattia Veltri, Quentin Le Menez, Yuh Saito, Joris Debonnet, Heather Slater, Dr Luca Carpinelli, Janie Jackson, Christophe Dessalles, Arturo De Leon, Eduardo Briceo, Bill Feaver, Ricardo Paredes, Jonathan Reshef, David Douglass, Grant Albert, Paul Coupe, Jen , Megan Whiteleather, Adil Abdulla, Mayank Kaul, Ryohky Araya, and vivian james.