This Is The Way The Ladies Ride | Kids Song | Kids Game | The Kiboomers

This Is The Way The Ladies Ride | Kids Song | Kids Game | The Kiboomers with tags this is the way the ladies ride, this is the way the cowboys ride, the kiboomers, nursery rhyme, nursery rhymes, kids song, kids songs, a gentleman rides like thia song, this is how the gentlemen ride kids so g
The Kiboomers! Can you find the pairs before This Is The Way The Ladies Ride kids song ends?Get this song on iTunes: you enjoy this video, please subscribe to the Kiboomers channel for"This Is The Way The Ladies Ride Lyrics"This is the way the ladies ride,Nimbledy-nim, Nimbledy-nimThis is the way the ladies ride,Nimbley nim.This is the way the gentlemen rideGallop and trot, gallop and trotThis is the way the gentlemen rideGallop and gallop and trot.This is the way the farmers rideHobbledy hoy, hobbledy hoyThis is the way the farmers rideHobbledy hobbledy hoyThis is the way the cowgirls rideGiddy up, giddy upThis is the way the cowgirls rideGiddy up, giddy up, whoa!***********We're Social, too!facebook:*******Song: "This Is The Way The Ladies Ride" (Children's Song for Kids)Music: Kiboomu Kids SongsVideo: MuakataVocals & Arrangement: Ellie Moss and Christopher Pennington from The Kiboomers