Why is it so dangerous to step on a rusty nail? - Louise Thwaites


Why is it so dangerous to step on a rusty nail? - Louise Thwaites with tags tetanus, tetanus bacteria, tetanus vaccine, lockjaw, spasms, tetanus spasms, clostridium tetani, bacteria, bacterial infection, infection, disease, rusty nail, wound, wound infection, tetanus spores, tetanus toxin, motor neurons, interneurons, neurotransmitters, back arch, tetanus survival, tetanus treatment, hippocrates, antibiotics, antitoxin, ventilators, health, healthcare, immune system, education, animation, louise thwaites, andrew foerster, rewfoe, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Explore how a toxin-producing bacterium causes tetanus, and how to identify its common symptoms and best prevention practices.


In the 5th century, a ship master was suffering from a nasty infection that caused his jaws to press together, his teeth to lock up, and the muscles in his neck and spine to spasm. Today we know this account to be one the first recorded cases of tetanus. So, what causes this peculiar infection? Louise Thwaites explores how tetanus affects our bodies, and how we can prevent it.

Lesson by Louise Thwaites, directed by Andrew Foerster, Rewfoe.

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