Why good ideas get trapped in the valley of death and how to rescue them


Why good ideas get trapped in the valley of death and how to rescue them with tags valley of death, product development, product development process, zero carbon, zero carbon tech, invention, innovation, greenhouse gases, gas emission, carbon emissions, product funding, investment funds, climate change, sustainability, renewable energy, fossil fuels, co2, solar panels, wind energy, technology, education, animation, science, how to avoid climate disaster, plan for zero, luísa m h copetti, lisa labracio, hype cg, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Explore why zero-carbon technologies are vulnerable to the valley of death in product development and how we can change it.


All new products must pass through the "valley of death" before they reach the market. Many never make it out, and sometimes that’s ok— if they don’t work, don’t fill a need, or for any number of reasons. One of the fields where this problem is most pressing is zero-carbon technologies. Why is it vulnerable to this trap, and can we change it? Explore how to break the cycle of the funding gap.

Directed by Lisa LaBracio

Animation and art direction by Luísa M H Copetti, Hype CG

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