Top ten most famous bodybuilders in the world #10


Top ten most famous bodybuilders in the world #10

In this video we are going to talk about top ten most famous bodybuilders in the world. so before starting this video like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel for future updates.

Bodybuilding is the practise of contracting and sculpting an impressive physique using weights and resistance training.

Number 10. Eugen Sandow.

Eugen Sandow doesn't appear like much compared to modern bodybuilders, but I still think he's one of the best. The cause is? He is regarded as the father of contemporary bodybuilding, after all. In 1867, Sandow was born in Prussia. He became a circus performer and an athlete as a young man to avoid joining the military.

Number 9. Sergio Oliva.

Early in the 1960s, a Cuban bodybuilder named Sergio Oliva rose to popularity. Sergio was introduced to a team of Olympic weightlifters when he was a young guy in Cuba, and he started training with them after falling in love with the sport. He immediately made the switch to bodybuilding and went on to win the Mr. Olympia in 1967, 1968, and 1969. Sergio's extraordinary physique was sculpted during a period when bodybuilding was still relatively new and the science behind fitness and muscle growth was not as developed as it is now, which is what makes him one of the greats.

Number 8. Lee Haney.

Early in the 1980s, Lee Haney became well-known for his bodybuilding accomplishments. In 1984, he won his first Olympia competition. He was considered one of the best and would continue to win the Olympia until 1991. Small, defined, and proportionate bodybuilders were among the most popular before the Haney era. However, the definition they created came at the expense of size.

Number 7. Jay Cutler.

Four-time Olympia Mr. One more of the finest bodybuilders of all time is Jay Cutler. He has an impressive figure, despite the fact that many modern building's physiques are very terrifying and I'd assume most people don't want to appear like Cutler or others. He began training when he was only 18 years old, entered his first competitions in the 1990s, and won his first Olympia titles in the latter part of the 2000s.

Number 6. Franco Columbu.

Italian-born Franco Columbu is regarded by most as one of the greatest. Columbu, who was born in 1941 in a little hamlet in Sardinia, has always been active. He began as an amateur boxer, progressed to Olympic weightlifting, switched to powerlifting, and then entered the bodybuilding ring. Columbu, who is only 5'3", was able to add a lot of muscle to his small frame, giving him a thick and chiselled appearance. In 1976 and 1981, he won the Mr. Olympia title twice. Franco is a fantastic bodybuilder, but he's also an all-around athlete.

Number 5. Dorian Yates.

English bodybuilder Dorian Yates won the Mr. Olympia title six times in a row from 1992 to 1997. After Lee Haney, the person who steered bodybuilding more towards mass, retired, he suddenly appeared on the scene.

Number 4. Frank Zane.

American bodybuilder Frank Zane rose to fame during the "Golden Era" of bodybuilding in the 1970s, competing alongside athletes like Arnold and Franco. Zane first began his career as a math and chemistry teacher before switching to bodybuilding. He's my particular favourite bodybuilder, and I imagine he's popular with many others. Because he effectively founded the bodybuilding "aesthetics" movement, which put an emphasis on beauty, proportions, and harmony, Zane is extremely significant as a bodybuilder.

Number 3. Phil Heath.

The current Mr. Olympia title is held by American bodybuilder Phil Heath, who has won five Mr. Olympia competitions. He hasn't lost since 2011, and his enormous body is the reason why. He has broad quads, an enormous, well-defined back, and arms that are bigger than most people's legs. When you consider those details along with his excellent conditioning, it's clear why he ranks among the best.

Number 2. Ronnie Coleman.

When he took the stage in 1984, Lee Haney introduced the emphasis on size in bodybuilding. When Dorian Yates retired, nobody knew what would happen after he had continued that idea. In the same way that Haney started a new era in bodybuilding, Ronnie Coleman did the same. Modern bodybuilders and bodybuilders come to mind when we think of men like Ronnie Coleman.

Number 1. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Since almost everyone agrees that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the greatest bodybuilder of all time, even by today's standards, it should come as no surprise that he ranks first. Bodybuilding's Golden Age was defined by Arnold, who also significantly contributed to the growth of the discipline. He was absolutely big, and his body was well-built and symmetrical. He is taller than most bodybuilders at 6'2", which added to his already intimidating presence.