Superstars scared senseless' WWE Top 10 #10


Superstars scared senseless' WWE Top 10 #10

In this video we are going to talk about Superstars scared senseless' WWE Top 10. So before starting this video like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel for future updates.

World Wrestling Entertainment, which is more often referred to by its trade name WWE, is a professional wrestling promotion that is based in the United States. The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is not only a global integrated media and entertainment corporation, but it has also expanded into other sectors, including as movies, American football, and a variety of other economic operations. Additionally, the corporation is active in licencing its intellectual property to other businesses in order to facilitate the production of video games and action figures.

Here are the Superstars scared senseless' WWE Top 10.

10. Jerry Lawler needs help from a doctor.

During a tag match between Kane and Daniel Bryan and The Prime Time Players on Raw on September 10, 2012, the Memphis legend Jerry Lawler stopped talking for a moment. From home, people could hear muffled sounds and Michael Cole's voice, which sounded like he was scared.

Number 9. Diesel Sees Himself.

In 1996, The Undertaker and Diesel had a good feud that led to a rough match at WrestleMania 12. In the lead-up to this showdown, there were also some of the supernatural mind games that the first was known for.

One such instance also turned out to be quite scary for that time, as a casket was brought ringside by Paul Bearer during Diesel's Raw bout with Barry Horowitz a few weeks before their showdown at the Showcase of the Immortals. After Big Daddy Cool won, he opened the box to find himself staring back at him. The camera crew did a great job of making this happen. Everyone in the arena and at home thought the same thing as Kevin Nash's scared face showed.

Number 8. Doink the Clown's first show.

When Matt Borne played the clown in 1992, he was so scary that people who are afraid of clowns all over the world had nightmares. He was also good at playing with people's minds by giving them evil looks one minute and then laughing too much the next.

Many people were scared because they had never seen someone like this on wrestling TV. If the man behind the mask hadn't had his own problems to deal with, Doink the Clown would be a more well-known stunt today.

Number 7. Big Boss Man Is Hung.

After beating Big Boss Man in their Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 15, The Undertaker did something that is still talked about today. Back then, it did more than just give people chills.

Number 6. "Collapses" by Shawn Michaels.

On November 20, 1995 episode of Raw, Shawn Michaels suddenly fell to the floor after taking an enzuigiri during a match with Owen Hart. In contrast to how he usually sells, HBK was completely still and didn't move for several moments. Jim Cornette and Owen did a good job of selling the moment by looking uncertain and worried.

Number 5. The Demon Reveals Himself to the World.

Due to the complexities of his relationship with Vince McMahon, Bray Wyatt was never given full authority over the manner in which he wished to present his many riveting inventions to the public. On the other hand, when it came to The Fiend making his in-ring bow, they were able to hit the ball out of the park every time.

Number 4. Mick Foley takes an excessive amount of chair shots.

Everyone had an appreciation for the Hall of Famer because of the selflessness he displayed by knowing how far he would go to entertain them. Mick Foley. However, even the most ardent fans of his extreme work were left shocked by the viciousness of The Rock's attacks on Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy during their Royal Rumble 1999 'I Quit' showdown.

Number 3. Dennis Knight's indoctrination.

There is a consensus among everyone that the Ministry of Darkness, in general, was too ridiculous to be taken seriously. However, on occasion, they were able to hit the target, which helped to keep things interesting. When they were successful, however, things would become quite unpleasant.

Number 2. Randy Savage has been bitten.

During their extremely personal war in 1991, Jake Roberts unleashed a snake on Randy Savage, which is widely considered to be one of the most terrifying moments in the history of WWE. If the latter participant was willing to let a real snake dig its teeth into his flesh, one may assume that he was extremely eager for this programme to be successful.

Number 1. The Undertaker Debuts.

At the Survivor Series in 1990, The Undertaker made his first appearance, and it was so captivating that young children in the audience were extremely terrified. Some were even witnessed hiding behind their parents as the humiliating persona made their way past them.

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