The diseases that changed humanity forever - Dan Kwartler


The diseases that changed humanity forever - Dan Kwartler with tags tuberculosis, tb, bubonic plague, black death, malaria, disease, pathogen, history, disease history, hunter gatherer, agriculture, urbanization, human evolution, infection, deadliest diseases, dysentery, measles, smallpox, flu, influenza, plague, epidemic, pandemic, medicine, vaccines, vaccination, healthcare, health, public health, education, animation, dan kwartler, basa, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Explore the history of humanity’s deadliest diseases, and find out how our progress and innovation exposed us to new pathogens.


Since humanity’s earliest days, we’ve been plagued by countless disease-causing pathogens. Invisible and persistent, these microorganisms and the illnesses they incur have killed more humans than anything else in history. But which disease has been the deadliest? Dan Kwartler digs into how human progress and innovation throughout history exposed us to surprising new maladies.

Lesson by Dan Kwartler, directed by BASA.

This video made possible in collaboration with Gates Ventures

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