Why should you read Dune by Frank Herbert? - Dan Kwartler

Why should you read Dune by Frank Herbert? - Dan Kwartler with tags dune, frank herbert, science fiction, sci fi, literature, dune series, dune saga, arrakis, the spice, melange, politics, religion, ecology, technology, human emotion, harkonnen, atreides, fremen, book, books, novels, writing, scifi writing, education, animation, dan kwartler, recircle, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Discover Frank Herberts science fiction classic, Dune, which tells the story of a man catapulted into the middle of a planetary revolution. --A mother and son trek across an endless desert. Wearing special suits to dissipate heat and recycle moisture, the travelers arent worried about dying of thirst. Their fears are much greater. Soon, the sound of the desert is drowned out by a hissing: a mound of sand 400 meters long bursts from the desert floor and races towards them. This is the world of Dune. Dan Kwartler dives into the epic story.Lesson by Dan Kwartler, directed by Recircle.Animator's website: https://www.recircle.netSign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletterSupport us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/TEDEdPatreonFollow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TEDEdFacebookFind us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdTwitterPeep us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TEDEdInstagramView full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-should-you-read-dune-by-frank-herbert-dan-kwartlerThank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Boytsov Ilya, Steven Razey, Javier Aldavaz, Nathan Giusti, Mada Arslan, Joichiro Yamada, Ritul Raghavan, Aline de Paula Zillig, Yambu Ganesh Shaw, Abeer Rajbeen, John Hong, Minh Tran, Helen Lee, Anthony Benedict, Turine Tran, Mathew Samuel, Karthik Balsubramanian, Lee, Livia-Alexandra Sarban, Annastasshia Ames, Joo Henrique Rodrigues, Sebastiaan Hols, Aries SW, SANG HAN, Amy Lopez, ReuniteKorea, Vinh-Thuy Nguyen, Liz Candee, Clovis Norroy, Danielle Downs, Nik Maier, Angel Pantoja, Nishant Suneja, , Srinivasa C Pasumarthi, Kathryn Vacha, Anthony Arcis, Jeffrey Segrest, Sandra Fuller Bocko, Alex Pierce, Lawrence Teh Swee Kiang, BRENDAN NEALE, Jane White, Karmi Nguyen, John C. Vesey, Yelena Baykova, Harshita Jagdish Sahijwani, Won Jang, Nick Johnson and Tariq Keblaoui.