Sir Issac Newton Biography – An Inspirational Story #Issac_Newton


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Pip- Hey Rachel, have you ever thought, every time that we throw a ball up, it comes down, why does that happen. What pulls everything towards the earth.

Rachel - Pip its called gravity. In the simplest words, there is a force in earth that pulls everything down. That’s why a ball goes high in the air but comes back on ground. And not just ball, it happens with all the objects.

You know who discovered gravity?

Pip - I don’t know

Rachel - It was the great scientist Sir, Issac Newton.

Once he sat under an Apple tree, when an apple fell down…. it made him think why do all the objects fall down and not up or sideways. That’s how the idea of gravity came in.

Pip- Wow, how those small things that happen daily and are not noticed, have a great reason behind them…. as Einstein said…. “look for the why”. Hey guys if you do not know the Einstein story, check out our interesting video on Einstein.

So, Rachel, tell me more about Newton. His childhood, his achievements and his discoveries.

Rachel - Issac Newton was born on 4th January 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire in England. His father, who was also named Issac was a rich farmer. Sadly, Newton’s father died three months before Newton was born.

When Newton was 3, his mother was remarried, and Newton was left with his grandmother.

Pip- Oh that was sad, did he go to school, how did he become a great scientist?

Rachel - Well yes, it was a tough childhood for Newton, but as they say, nothing is too hard to achieve if you are determined.

Newton studied in King’s School in Grantham, and there he was introduced to the fantastic world of Chemistry.

Pip- Oh Chemistry, you mean the study of chemicals?

Rachel - Yes absolutely. But Newton’s mother wanted him to take care of their big farm.

But he failed badly as a farmer, and was sent back to school. Later he was sent to Cambridge in 1661 for further studies.

You know that was a time when people were studying about planets, space, moon and what not. Newton was excited to be among such great minds. He graduated with very good grades, so he was given financial support for higher education.

Pip- Wow. That sounds like a happy story.

Rachel- Well Pip, things may not go as we plan, but its always important to keep trying continuously, even in tough times.

In 1665, a deadly disease called Plague, hit the entire Europe, so the University was closed for two years.

Pip- Holidays for two years, he must have enjoyed. I would have loved it.

Rachel -Learning never stopped for Newton, it was during this time that Newton got most of his scientific ideas, including the idea of gravity. Remember the apple story I told you in the beginning.

Pip- Yes I remember. Its strange how simple events turn out to be the basis of great scientific discoveries.

Rachel - Yes, another very simple thought that came to Newton’s mind, was “what is light made of”. Later he discovered that light is made up of different colours. You know what are those colours?

Pip- Yes, the colours of the rainbow. Hey friends lets name the colours of rainbow together

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, IndiGo & Violet, yay.

But did he go back to the University.

Rachel - Yes, plague was over and Newton went back to Cambridge after two years. There, he became the professor of Mathematics, just at the age of 26, the youngest professor.

Pip - That’s fantastic. He was really intelligent.

Rachel -Not just intelligent, he was hard working too. He used to read a lot, he observed the simple things that happened around him and always asked for a why?

Pip- Yeah, trying to find the reason behind everything that happened.

Rachel - Newton invented a completely new type of Maths, which he called fluxions. Now, we call it Calculus. Calculus is used in advanced science and engineering studies. Newton also invented a telescope.

Pip- Whats a telescope?

Rachel - It helps us see things that are far from us. People see the stars and planets with a telescope.

Pip- Oh, that must have been a very useful invention.

Rachel -Yes, it was, but Newton never stopped his work, his success encouraged him to do more, and more, and more.

In 1687, in his famous book Principia, Newton gave the three laws of motion

Pip- Laws of motion? What are those?

If you want to know more check out our video on Newton’s laws of motion.

Rachel - Yes, he was famous and well respected in the scientific community. In the year 1703 he was elected the president of the Royal Society. And in 1705, he was knighted by Queen Anne.

Pip - That’s why he is called Sir Issac Newton and not Mr. Issac Newton or Professor Issac Newton.

Rachel - Absolutely. Newton’s life is an example of how continuous efforts can make you successful. An who knew, that a boy who saw so many problems in his childhood would turn out to be one of the greatest scientists of all times.