Say it Right! | Mega Compilation | D Billions Kids Songs


Say it Right! | Mega Compilation | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, say it right! | mega compilation | d billions kids songs, baby songs, for kids, d billions kids songs, db d billions, kid songs, d billions db heroes, db heroes, new heroes, mega compilation, db, d billions learn, d billions heroes, d billions dance, say it right, d billions say it right

0:00 Say it Right!

2:55 Do Your Best!

5:19 Baby Dance(Gugu Gaga)

6:37 Mommy & DB Heroes to the Rescue! Diaper Time

10:52 Super Catchers! (Chicky, Cha-Cha, Lya-Lya & Boom-Boom)

13:38 Mask Doo Doo Doo with Puppets!

14:46 Peek A Boo with Mini DB

17:21 Where Is My Tail?

18:53 Buri-Bara

20:33 Pinata

21:41 Mister Boom-Boom

23:27 Rock N Roll with Parrot

25:28 Guess Who is Inside the Balloon?

28:06 Christmas Puzzle with Santa

29:28 Animals Puzzles

30:41 Wash your Hands and Fingers

#DBillions #sayitright #babydance #dbheroes #peekaboo

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