Yummy Fruits & Vegetables with Mini DB & Puppets! | Mega Compilation | D Billions Kids Songs


Yummy Fruits & Vegetables with Mini DB & Puppets! | Mega Compilation | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, yummy fruits & vegetables with mini db & puppets! | mega compilation | d billions kids songs, d billions kids songs, db d billions, baby songs, d billions mini db, mini db, d billions mini, db, mini db heroes, db heroes, fruits song, kid songs, yummy, mini d billions, d billions db heroes, d billions yummy, d billions yummy fruits and vegetables, d billions yummy yummy

00:00 Yummy Fruits & Vegetables with Mini DB & Puppets!

2:17 Fly To The Sky with Mini DB

4:37 Chicky, Cha-Cha, Lya-Lya, Boom-Boom with Mini DB!

6:19 Guess Who is Inside the Balloon?

8:57 Robot Doctor with Mini DB

11:00 Draw Me with Mini DB

14:32 Pizza with Mini DB

16:39 Get Ready for Bed with DB Heroes

19:14 Chicky - Boom with Mini DB!

21:38 Animal Sounds with Mini DB

24:10 Happy Birthday with Mini DB

26:09 Zombie Balloon with DB Heroes

28:17 Paint Stealer with Mini DB

30:24 Car Crash! Mechanics Choko & Loko

33:32 What’s in the Surprise Ice?

36:23 Healthy Carrot, Cha-Cha, Chicky & Boom-Boom with new DB Heroes

39:29 ABC Hip-Hop Party

41:43 Buzz Off, Mosquitoes

44:32 Piggy Chicky

47:26 Surprise Eggs & Body Puzzle

51:35 Funny Wordplay! Learn & Laugh with DB Heroes

54:11 Fruity Gas Station (Banana, Carrot, Orange & Apple)

56:55 Sing Along with Farm Animal Puppets

59:51 Lazy Watchman

#DBillions #yummy #fruits #minidb #db

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