Safeguard the Handwashing Soap | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Safeguard the Handwashing Soap | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! with tags kids yoga, yoga for kids, yoga for kid, yoga for kids- full yoga, yoga for children, yoga for children beginners, yoga music, yoga, cosmic kids yoga, kids workout, fun videos for kids, workout for kids, physical exercise for kids, children workout, movement exercise, fun workout, fun yoga, home workout for kids, workout at home
Join Jaime for a special yoga adventure all about learning to wash our hands properly - made in partnership with our friends at Safeguard, a soap and hygiene brand.In this kids yoga adventure, Safeguard the Soap helps us all become Soaperheroes by teaching us how to wash our hands properly to stay safe from Icky Sticky the Germ!Thank you to our our friends at Safeguard for partnering with us on this special yoga adventure! Safeguard your family and wash germs away. All our videos are ad-free on the Cosmic Kids App! The complete Cosmic Kids video library. View on any computer, TV, smartphone and tablet. Safe viewing: no commercials, links or suggested videos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get your FREE Kids Yoga Posture Poster! - - - - - - - - - - - - Learn to teach kids yoga with me! - - - - - - - - - - - - Buy Cosmic Kids DVD's, gifts & books! - - - - - - - - - - - - Lots more at Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Visit our shop:'t forget to subscribe!