The Twits | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure

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Our latest yoga adventure is inspired by the brilliant Roald Dahl story, The Twits. We meet the Mugglewumps - a family of monkeys living in the garden of Mr and Mrs Twit and hatch a plan for their urgent escape. Like all Roald Dahl books, this story has a fantastic mix of being horrible AND funny which makes it work brilliantly! Hope you like it! WANT TO WATCH IT NOW? GET A 2 WEEK FREE TRIAL ON COSMIC KIDS APP https://app.cosmickids.comLet me know what you think and what your favourite part is in the comments below. And please do share your Cosmic Kids Yoga fun on FB, Twitter & IG using the #cosmickidsyoga so I can see you in action! All our videos are ad-free on the Cosmic Kids App! The complete Cosmic Kids video library. View on any computer, TV, smartphone and tablet. Safe viewing: no commercials, links or suggested videos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get your FREE Kids Yoga Posture Poster! - - - - - - - - - - - - Learn to teach kids yoga with me! - - - - - - - - - - - - Buy Cosmic Kids DVD's, gifts & books! - - - - - - - - - - - - Lots more at Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Visit our shop:'t forget to subscribe!