On Halloween - Kids Halloween Song with actions! | Halloween Songs for Kids

On Halloween - Kids Halloween Song with actions! | Halloween Songs for Kids with tags halloween, halloween song, halloween songs, kids, kids songs, bounce patrol, halloween songs for children, spooky song, spooky songs, monster, halloween songs for kids, kids halloween song, trick or treat, children's song, toddler, toddlers, preschool, baby songs, halloween music, halloween songs for toddlers
What do skeletons do on Halloween? What do pumpkins do on Halloween? Get up and bouncing - time to sing and dance along with us! Let's see your Halloween dance moves! Halloween Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJIK7JrzV1IjGGggOHdxczwHWYQ31-TPRGet the song iTunes: http://bit.ly/BP-HalloweenSpotify: http://bit.ly/BounceHalloweenAmazon: http://amzn.to/2yAqLSGGoogle Play: http://bit.ly/2yVi8oSListen to our Halloween album on Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Amazon, Google Play or wherever you get your music! Just search "Bounce Patrol"More videos on our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BouncePatrolKidsSubscribe so you don't miss a video! Video announcements and behind the scenes extras:Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BouncePatrolTwitter: https://twitter.com/bouncepatrolBounce Patrol make videos for kids - from toddlers and preschool, through to kindergarten and elementary school age. http://www.bouncepatrol.comThanks for watching! Happy Halloween!