5 Halloween Songs For Kids ♫ Halloween Songs For Children ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station

5 Halloween Songs For Kids ♫ Halloween Songs For Children ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags halloween songs for kids, halloween songs for preschoolers, halloween songs, the learning station, halloween song, halloween songs for children, kids halloween songs, kids songs, the learning station halloween songs, halloween songs for kindergarten, learning station halloween songs, halloween kids songs, halloween childrens song, halloween songs by the learning station, children’s halloween songs, halloween songs for kids, preschool halloween songs, kids halloween videos
Here are 5 Halloween songs for kids and children that will surely make trick or treating special! Put on your Halloween costume and Monster Shuffle!
The Learning Station on TikTok here: www.tiktok.com/@learningstationmusic
0:07 Monster Shuffle
3:53 Haunted House
7:24 Hokus Pokus Freeze
9:48 Skeleton Dance
12:38 Boom Chicka Boom Halloween
All songs by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Google+: google.com/+Learningstationmusic
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