Halloween Songs For Kids Halloween Costumes Halloween Songs by The Learning Station


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Halloween Costumes is a FUN Halloween song filled with the coolest kids Halloween costumes that will delight your children. Your kids will have a Halloween musical blast watching this music video inspired by children. This song is ideal for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten age children.

encourage kids to dress up for Halloween. The Learning Station has many excellent Halloween songs for kids!

The Learning Station on TikTok here: www.tiktok.com/@learningstationmusic

All songs by The Learning Station® (Also, known as Learning Station) ℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)


Halloween Costumes

Me and my friends walking down the street

Here comes a clown with big red feet

A skeleton is following close behind

With a dude in a suit in a scary design

You gotta dress up to trick or treat

If your costume is cool and really neat

You’ll get ooohs- oooh

You’ll get ahhhhs- ahhhh

You might even get a loud applause

You might even get a loud applause

We knock on a door, we turn and we see

Our moms and our dads watching us from the street

When out from the house comes a mummy in sheets

He holds out a basket, we say trick or treat (trick or treat)

You gotta dress up to trick or treat

If your costume is cool and really neat

You’ll get ooohs- oooh

You’ll get ahhhhs- ahhhh

You might even get a loud applause

You might even get a loud applause

Still walking together, here comes a moose

A ghost and a goblin and a little white goose

Then there’s batman and Robin and what do we see

A lion, a tiger, a bird and a bee

You gotta dress up to trick or treat

If your costume is cool and really neat

You’ll get ooohs- oooh

You’ll get ahhhhs- ahhhh

You might even get a loud applause

You might even get a loud applause

Halloween is now over, our mission complete

We tricked and were treated on many a street

Saw so many costumes, heard many a boo

Dressing up is so fun for me and for you

You gotta dress up to trick or treat

If your costume is cool and really neat

You’ll get ooohs- oooh

You’ll get ahhhhs- ahhhh

You might even get a loud applause

You might even get a loud applause

You gotta dress up to trick or treat

If your costume is cool and really neat

You’ll get ooohs- oooh

You’ll get ahhhhs- ahhhh

You might even get a loud applause

You might even get a loud applause


Google+: google.com/+Learningstationmusic


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