Keep Moving One Finger One Thumb Brain Breaks Kid Songs by The Learning Station


Keep Moving One Finger One Thumb Brain Breaks Kid Songs by The Learning Station with tags brain breaks for children, songs for kids, action songs for children, kids music, music for kids, childrens music, nursery rhymes, children songs, kids songs videos, children songs english, children songs with lyrics and actions, kids music videos, nursery rhymes music, nursery rhymes songs with lyrics and action

Keep Moving aka One Finger, One Thumb is a great way to celebrate having a good time. Everyone becomes a conductor to join in moving and grooving to start the day, or anytime you need to energize with a brain break!

One Finger One Thumb One Hand Keep Moving

From the CD, "Here We Go Loopty Loo"

By The Learning Station

℗© Copyright Monopoli/The Learning Station

(Activity: Follow each verse holding up each body part that is sung. Keep that body part up until another body part is added.)


One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving

And we'll all have a real good time

And we'll all have a real good time

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, keep moving

And we'll all have a real good time

And we'll all have a real good time

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, one foot, keep


One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, one foot, keep


One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, one foot, keep


And we'll all have a real good time

And we'll all have a real good time

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, one foot, two

feet, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, one foot, two

feet, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, one foot, two

feet, keep moving

And we'll all have a real good time (repeat 2 times)

And we'll all have a real good time

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands,

one foot, two feet, one head, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands,

one foot, two feet, one head, keep moving

One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands,

one foot, two feet, one head, keep moving

And we'll all have a real good time

And we'll all have a real good time

What are we having?


Keep Moving by The Learning Station (Also known as, Learning Station) is a great brain breaks action and dance song to make it easy and fun to take a quick energy break. Schools are realizing the significant values of brain breaks in the classroom. This brain breaks dance song is perfect for preschoolers, kindergarten, elementary and physical education.



#HereWeGoLooptyLoo #KidsSongs #brainbreak # #DanceForKids #LearningStation #KeepMoving #OneFingerOneThumb