Helper Cars save the day. Animals need help! Racing cars for kids. Car cartoons for kids.


Helper Cars save the day. Animals need help! Racing cars for kids. Car cartoons for kids. with tags cartoons, for kids, car cartoons, cartoons for kids, helper cars, cars, cars for kids, racing cars, animals, animals need help, cars save the day, learn animals, animals for kids, kitten, puppy, racing car, toy car, cars toys, toys, videos for kids, cartoon for kids, for children, vehicles, vehicls, play, games, games for kids, playing, toys for kids, learn numbers, fun, family family cartoon

Oh no! Animals need help! Let’s watch car cartoons for kids and save the day with racing cars for kids and Helper Cars of all kinds. Find more kids’ cartoons and baby videos about cars and trucks on our kids’ channel.

00:00 - The kitten in danger

05:30 - Helper Cars and a playground for a puppy

10:41 - Helper Cars and a kitten

14:57 - Helper cars and a fire truck