The tow truck needs help. A police car & emergency vehicles on the mission. NEW Cartoons for kids.

The tow truck needs help. A police car & emergency vehicles on the mission. NEW Cartoons for kids. with tags cartoons for kids, emergency vehicles, vehicles for kids, street vehicles, tow truck, tow truck for kids, police car, police car for kids, cartoon for kids, new cartoons for kids, vehicles om the mission, helper cars, helper cars cartoons, new episodes, full episodes, kids cartoon, police car cartoon, tow truck cartoons, truck cartoons for kids
Come and watch new cartoons for kids and save the day with Helper Cars for kids! Oh no, the tow truck needs help. It seems that the police car and all the emergency vehicles are ready for a new mission. Let's watch more Helper Cars' episodes in English in our new cartoon compilation!
00:00 - The hail
06:25 - The broken battery
12:08 - The missing part
17:47 - Five tow trucks