The tractor needs help! The police car saves the tractor for kids. Farm vehicles cartoons for kids.

The tractor needs help! The police car saves the tractor for kids. Farm vehicles cartoons for kids. with tags cartoons for kids, tractor for kids, vehicles for kids, helper cars, car cartoons for kids, cartoon for kids, farm vehicles, farm vehicles for kids, kids cartoons, police car for kids, tow truck for kids, helper cars cartoons, helper cars full episofed, helper cars new season, cars for kids, trucks for kids, repair cars for kids, construction vehicles for kids
Come watch new cartoons for kids about the tractor for kids! There are so many farm vehicles! Let's see what they are doing here. It seems that the tractor got stuck in the mud. Who will help the tractor get out? The Helper Cars can't wait to save the day.
00:00 - The tractor needs help
07:07 - The fruits
12:28 - The ice cream truck
17:16 - The three garages