The road roller is out of fuel. The fuel trucks save the day. Helper cars & top cartoons for kids.


The road roller is out of fuel. The fuel trucks save the day. Helper cars & top cartoons for kids. with tags cartoons for kids, helper cars, cartoons, for kids, cars for kids, road roller, construction machines, working machines, trucks for kids, fuel trucks, trucks save the day, helper cars cartoons, top cartoons for kids, cartoon for kids, full episodes, new episodes, new episode, watch cartoon for kids, watch cartoons for kids, car cartons construction vehicles

Something has happened on the road - the road roller is out of fuel. Helper cars, we need help! Let's watch top cartoons for kids and save the day with the colored fuel trucks for kids. Find more new episodes and cartoon collections in our playlists.

00:00 - The colored fuel trucks

06:22 - The brakes

12:02 - The five tow trucks

17:23 - The hurricane

22:44 - The surprse eggs