HARD C / SOFT C 🦸‍♀️ SPELLING AND GRAMMAR for Kids 📝 Superlexia⭐ Episode 11


HARD C / SOFT C 🦸‍♀️ SPELLING AND GRAMMAR for Kids 📝 Superlexia⭐ Episode 11

Educational video for children that talks about spelling rules, specifically, hard C and soft C. How do we know what letter C sounds like? There’s a clue in the letter that comes after it. When C is with a, o, u or most consonants, it says its hard sound, /k/. When C is with e, i or y, it says its soft sound, /s/. Spelling rules are essential to write correctly. This video is part of our series on spelling and grammar. It stars Superlexia, the guardian of spelling and grammar, whose goal is to defeat spelling and grammar mistakes with the power of clear and impactful expression.

This video is a very useful and interesting resource for children. It is perfect for teaching grammar and spelling. It is an excellent video for primary education.

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