Forcing a Mask on a 3 year old is Not Easy!

Forcing a Mask on a 3 year old is Not Easy! with tags family fun pack, family fun pack alyssa, family fun pack michael, family fun pack twins, family fun pack david, family fun pack owen, family fun pack zac, family fun pack chris, family vlog, family fun pack knotts berry farm, taste of knott's merry farm, family fun pack mask, mask wearing toddler, family fun pack daily vlog, family fun pack christmas, vlogmas, christmas family fun pack
When a 2 or 3 year old decides they will or won't do something, they can be STUBBORN! Owen has decided that he's sick of wearing masks and he has gotten to the point where he gets scared and starts to panic a bit when we put one on him. In order to attend the Knott's event we went to this past week, he had to wear one at the entrance. Luckily once we got inside, nobody cared as much because it's nearly impossible to reason with a kid who has just turned 3 and doesn't even understand what this whole thing is about.
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Hi guys, I'm Kristine and I began documenting my journey through motherhood here on YouTube in 2011. Family Fun Pack is my family of 8 who love to travel and live life to the fullest. With new videos of our daily adventures and milestones posted regularly, you are sure be entertained on our channel. I offer parenting advice each Monday in my Mommy Monday vlog. I also share my parenting style along the way in my other vlogs, but I like to do it in a more subtle way that comes across as I vlog my daily life. Our videos are authentic family fun. Thanks for following my journey though parenthood as a mom!
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*No product is being promoted in our video. We made this video simply for entertainment.
#familyfunpack #maskwearing #vlogmas