Tigers! Learn about Jungle Animals for Kids ๐Ÿฏ Educational Videos for Kids


Tigers! Learn about Jungle Animals for Kids ๐Ÿฏ Educational Videos for Kids with tags educational videos for kids, educational videos for toddlers, educational videos for preschoolers, educational videos for 5 year olds, educational videos for 4 year olds, kids videos for kids, educational videos for children, educational videos for 3 year olds, kids learning videos

Oliver and Lucas we have come to Tiger Island to learn about the one of the most amazing jungle animals in the world. The Tiger!

The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. These cats are known as the kings and queens of the jungle as they are excellent hunters due to their size and strength.

Tigers are really big and strong with predatory skills that make them one of the โ€œbig catsโ€ that are on top of the food chain.

Tigers are special, but sadly, there arenโ€™t as many as there used to be. They are endangered, which means they need our help to make sure they don't disappear.

Tigers are really good at climbing trees as they have powerful muscular bodies and strong claws. It is important to know that tigers are under threat of becoming extinct. It is estimated that tigers in the wild could completely disappear within the next ten years.

Thatโ€™s why Tiger Island is working to save tigers and protect their homes so that we can continue to enjoy these precious cats that are part of our planet's family!

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