Dinos A to Z: A Dino Summary | Learn some basic facts about dinosaurs


Dinos A to Z: A Dino Summary | Learn some basic facts about dinosaurs with tags dinosaurs, dinos, what is a dinosaur, dinosaurs for kids, what did dinosaurs look like, mesozoic era, jurassic, cretaceous, triassic, when did dinosaurs become extinct, why did dinosaurs become extinct, what cause the extinction of dinosaurs, biology, learn bright, high-interest reading, reading comprehension

What do you know about the dinosaurs that lived a looooong time ago? You've probably seen pictures of dinosaurs. Maybe you have watched a video or two about them. Have you visited a museum where their skeletons are? Dinosaurs are prehistoric reptiles. Prehistoric means before there was written history. The last dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.

What remains of dinosaurs are fossils. Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived a long time ago. These special rocks are how scientists know what life was like millions of years in the past. Clues from fossils and rocks tell scientists that dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic (mess-uh-zoh-ick) Era, when reptiles dominated the earth. The Mesozoic Era is known as the "Age of Dinosaurs." It is divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. Dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period.

Scientists think there are two possible theories or reasons dinosaurs became extinct. Both theories suggest the sun was blotted by a catastrophic event. Without the warmth of the sun, the climate became very cold. What were the events that changed the climate? One may have been an asteroid that crashed into the earth. The dust covered the sun. The second is that thousands of volcanoes across the world erupted. They threw choking dust and pollution into the air. Either way, the warm sun disappeared. The world's climate became very cold. Dinosaurs became extinct because they could not survive the freezing weather or their habitat was polluted.

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What you will learn in Dinos A to Z: A Dino Summary:

0:00 Introduction

0:18 Prehistoric reptiles

1:05 What happened to the dinos?

2:00 Fossils and what they tell us

5:55 Review of the facts

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