Colors All Around Song ♫ Color Songs ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Colors All Around Song ♫ Color Songs ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, color song, kids songs, songs for kids, learn colors, color songs for preschoolers, color song for kindergarten, color songs for kids, colors song, color songs, color song with lyrics, colors song for children, color song for kids, colors for kids, preschool songs, color song for toddlers, childrens songs, learning station songs, color songs for preschool, learning station color song, colors song for toddlers, childrens color song

Colors are all around us. They're nice and bright but make no sound. Look!

The Learning Station on TikTok here:

Colors All Around Song

by The Learning Station

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station


Colors colors all around

they're nice and bright but make no sound

there's red yellow blue and green

most colorful things you've ever seen

there's orange too and violet

you mix them they could be better yet

colors colors all around they're nice and bright but make no sound

some make you happy

some make you think

some colors are snappy

some things are pink

colors colors all around they're nice and bright but make no sound...shhhh.

Colors colors all around

they're nice and bright but make no sound

there's red yellow blue and green

most colorful things you've ever seen

there's orange too and violet

you mix them they could be better yet

colors colors all around they're nice and bright but make no sound

some make you happy

some make you think

some colors are snappy

some things are pink

colors colors all around they're nice and bright but make no sound...shhhh.




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