♪♪ Children's Song Family - Gagaga Gugugu - Baby Song | Hooray Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


♪♪ Children's Song Family - Gagaga Gugugu - Baby Song | Hooray Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags hooray kids songs & nursery rhymes, kids music, children music, nursery music, educational music, nursery rhymes to sing along, baby songs, nursery songs, baby, kids videos, toddler, kids song, kindergarten, for children, best kids song, hurra kinderlieder, nursery rhymes, toddler songs, best kids songs, family song, learning, childrens song, growing up, when i grow up, when you grow up song, grow up song, gaga gugu, gaga googoo, goo goo goo, gugu gaga, growing up song

Ga ga ga, goo goo goo and gu gu gu - you were once a baby, too! Adults often moan about children, even though they were once little, too! So let's keep in mind that all adults have farted and pooped in their diapers and babbled baby talk, sing along with this funny kids song "Gagaga Gugugu" and enjoy the brilliantly funny animated video!

To find more funny kids songs, nursery rhymes and videos for children

Here are the lyrics for "Gagaga gugugu":

#HoorayKidsSongs #NurseryRhymes #babysong