♪ ♪ "Rocket" Song for Children | "Rocket" Planets Song | Hooray Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Space


♪ ♪ "Rocket" Song for Children | "Rocket" Planets Song | Hooray Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Space with tags kids music, nursery music, hooray kids songs, hooray songs, planet song for kids, planet songs for children, solar system planets song, planet, planets song, planet song, planets, rocket, kids music video, kids songs, space, space song, universe, universe song, planets of the solar system, the planet song, eight planets of the solar system, rocket ship, rocket ship song, songs for kids, hacky smacky, hooray kids songs & nursery rhymes, baby songs, hooray, children music

Hooray Kids Songs go into space! Join Emma, Henry and Luka when they blast off with their rocket to explore the planets for us and even take a space walk on Pluto. Sing, dance and fly along with Hooray Kids Songs and enjoy this futuristic and cool children's song and video!

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Here are the song lyrics for "Rocket Planets Song” to sing-along with your children:

The rocket is ready

We're buckled in tight

In astronaut suits

As space is cold as ice

In just ten seconds

We’ll say goodbye and fly

Ready to explore the planets in the sky

Everyone ready? Yes! Engines on!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Blast off!

The rocket launches off into space

We’ll go exploring – zooming at pace

There are the planets

Mercury! The smallest one

Venus! That's the hottest one

Earth! She's alive

Mars! The red planet

Jupiter! That's the biggest

Saturn! The one with the rings

Uranus! Cold as ice

Neptune! Much too far

Attention, we are landing

But Henry, why here on tiny Pluto?

Barky needs a space walk!

Wow wow! Me too!

On here we’re very light and can jump really high

But I miss Mom

Okay, everyone back on board! Engines on!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Blast off!

The rocket launches off into space

Back down to Earth – zooming at pace

The blue planet! Mom, here we come!

The rocket launches off into space

Back down to earth – zooming at pace

We're landing! Ohhh ...

Hooray! Landing completed!

A "Hooray Kids Songs" song

Written by Kai Hohage (cc.)

Video Director: Kai Hohage

Animation: Bart Art Studio

Production: Hoerzauber