Are You Happy ♫ Happy Kid Songs ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Are You Happy ♫ Happy Kid Songs ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, songs for kids, kids songs, kids music, children song, music for kids, happy songs for kids, emotions song, songs for kids 8 years old, kids songs english, kids songs videos, kids music channel, children songs english, music for kids video
Are you happy? Are you feeling fine? Are you moving quick and snappy?
The Learning Station on TikTok here:
Are You Happy ext.
by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Are you happy?
Are you feeling fine?
Are you moving quick and snappy?
Just let yourself shine.
I love to see you smile.
I love to see you grin.
Won't you stay like that a while?
If you have happiness you win!
You win. You win. You win.
If you have happiness you win.
Are you happy?
Are you feeling fine?
Are your toes a little tappy?
It’s your tap dancing time.
I love to see you smile.
I love to see you grin.
Won't you stay like that a while?
If you have happiness you win!
You win. You win. You win.
If you have happiness you win.
Are you happy?
Are you feeling fine?
Are you moving quick and snappy?
Just let yourself shine.
I love to see you smile.
I love to see you grin.
Won't you stay like that a while?
If you have happiness you win!
You win. You win. You win.
If you have happiness you win.
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