The myth of Pegasus and the chimera - Iseult Gillespie


The myth of Pegasus and the chimera - Iseult Gillespie with tags pegasus, chimera, medusa, zeus, mount olympus, bellerophon, bellerophon fate, perseus, chrysaor, corinth, argos, athena, deliades, king proetus, lycia, iobates, chimera monster, gadfly, hubris, pegasus constellation, greek gods, greek myths, greek mythology, ted ed myths, ted ed mythology, education, animation, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Discover the myth of Bellerophon, the hero who battled and killed the Chimera monster atop the winged horse Pegasus.


Shielded from the gorgon’s stone gaze, Perseus crept through Medusa’s cave. When he reached her, he drew his sickle and brought it down on her neck. From Medusa's neck sprung two children. One was a giant wielding a golden sword; the other was the magnificent, winged horse, Pegasus. No bridle could contain him— until one fateful day. Iseult Gillespie details the myth of the hero Bellerophon.

Lesson by Iseult Gillespie, directed by Karina Forero, Lucy Animation Studio.

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